Friday, December 11, 2020
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I know we believe in Jesus! But still, do you ever just wonder? Do you ever see everything going on in this world and wonder if Jesus is really the real deal? John the Baptist saw Jesus coming and proclaimed to everyone around him, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” But later, when he’s in prison, John sends disciples to ask, “Are you the Coming One or do we look for someone else?” If John the Baptist can doubt, there’s hope for us! Because John isn’t saved by his own convictions. He’s saved by Jesus. We may struggle with trying to understand everything, to trust in Jesus when our lives are crazy, but what matters most is that Jesus has a hold of you. He is John’s Savior. He is your Savior. In the end, it is only Jesus who can save us. Only Jesus can die and rise. Only Jesus can bear our sins. Only Jesus can raise us from the dead and give us everlasting life. So rejoice for “Guadete!” Sunday this week, the Third Sunday in Advent as we prepare for the Coming of our Lord in Bethlehem.
This Sunday, as I noted above, is Gaudete, which means, “Rejoice!” It’s the Rose/Pink Sunday of Advent. To celebrate, let’s brighten the church and one another’s day by wearing our rose or pink to church this Sunday!
We will have one more Wednesday Advent Divine Service this coming week. It will be live-streamed as the others have. Join us at 7pm.
This week the ZAP Family Giving Tree is all set and full of tags! Our ZAP (Zion Assistance Program) Group is aware of a family in some need this Christmas and is hosting this Family Giving Tree in the Narthex. Please consider how you can help and take a tag from the tree to shop for the family. You can also stop by the church during the week to pick up a tag. Gifts are due back to church by Tuesday, December 22.
Here’s our schedule for the upcoming Holy Days:
Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve at 3pm, 7pm, and 11pm
Friday, December 25, Christmas Day at 9am.
Thursday, December 31, New Year’s Eve, 7pm
Please NOTE: We will NOT have services on these Wednesdays: December 23 and 30.
Please also NOTE: We will NOT have Learning the Faith or Bible Class on Sunday, December 27.
Sunday Bible Studies:
Take time to grow in God’s Word!
Bible Study – 9:00-9:30 AM in the Narthex. Reading the Epistle of James
Learning the Faith (all ages) – 9:45-10:30am in the Gym.
Tuesdays – Bible Study at 10:30 AM in the Narthex. (Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Our Sunday service is available to watch live and recorded here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE. https://www.facebook.com/zionlutheranchurchmchenry/
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxgM8yx7GVlFDtCKuC83TA
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE: https://zionmchenry.org/church/sermons/
“On Jordan’s bank, the Baptist’s cry announces that the Lord is nigh!” John the Baptist was sent to proclaim the arrival of Jesus. Jesus’ arrival is the proof that God always keeps His promises. We may be unsure sometimes. We may doubt. But God never wavers. His Word never fails. That’s why, along with John, we trust that the Lord is who He says He is. And He does what He promises: saves us! See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Advent at Zion
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:
This Week at Zion
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