Friday, January 22, 2021
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At the Transfiguration, God the Father declares of Jesus, “This is My Beloved Son. LISTEN TO HIM.” There are so many voices blasting away at us all the time. Friends. Family. Bosses. Coworkers. The TV. Some voices are helpful. Some are annoying. Some straight up lie. The devil wants the lying voices to be the loudest. But the Lord cuts through all that in directing our ears to Jesus. What are the first words out of Jesus’ mouth after the Father says that? “Don’t be afraid.” Jesus is going to Jerusalem to do the work of dying and rising to save the world. So we don’t have to be afraid. Of anything! Not the news. Not bad health news. Not a pandemic. Not anything. Why do we get worked up and fearful then? Because we stop listening to Jesus or listen to others more than Him. In church, in devotions, in the Scriptures, the Lord speaks to you: “Do not be afraid.” He has died for you. He rose for you. He has baptized you and makes you a beloved child of God. With a Lord like that there’s nothing to be afraid of! So we’ll hear as we listen to Jesus and celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord this coming week.
This coming week is National Lutheran Schools Week. Look for some facts in this week’s bulletin on the great blessings of Lutheran schools. There’s also some suggestions on how you can help support our school at Zion! We’re blessed to have a wonderful school with dedicated teachers, great students, loving families, and a supportive congregation.
Please pick up your 2020 Giving Statements in the narthex.
We are planning to hold our Voters Meeting on Sunday, January 31 at 9am. There will be no Bible Study or Learning the Faith that day. We have a few items as well as elections which we did not get to in November as scheduled.
Things are otherwise pretty quiet around church. Here’s the usual information we send out each week:
Sunday Bible Studies:
Take time to grow in God’s Word!
Bible Study – 9:00-9:30 AM in the Narthex. Reading the Epistle of James
Learning the Faith (all ages) – 9:45-10:30am in the Gym.
Tuesdays – Bible Study at 10:30am in the Narthex. (Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Our Sunday service is available to watch live and recorded here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
We don’t see Jesus in all His shining glory yet. But we will someday. Yet we do behold Him hidden in the words of Scriptures, the water of the font and the bread and wine of His Supper. And where He is, they are listening to Him, hearing Him, and hearing His Good News to “Be not afraid!” What a comfort in a world like we live in that is full of chaos and confusion. See you in the Divine Service this week as we hear Jesus!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Quilting for Q Week
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:
This Week at Zion